Contact Information

10a Rue de la Pépinière
Bruxelles 1000
Telefone: 02 513 78 06

Basic Info

European Advertising Standards Alliance

10a Rue de la Pépinière
Bruxelles 1000
Telefone: 02 513 78 06

Filosofia e Vantagens Competitivas

The Alliance is a non-profitmaking organisation based in Brussels, Belgium which is the co-ordination point for the views of national advertising self-regulatory bodies across Europe.

It was created in 1992 in response to a direct challenge from the then EU Competition Commissioner, Sir Leon Brittan, to show how the issues affecting advertising in the Single Market could be successfully dealt with through cooperation rather than detailed legislation. The national self-regulatory bodies and the European Advertising Industry have endeavoured to respond by demonstrating their strong commitment to effective self-regulation as a means of promoting high standards in advertising across Europe and safeguarding the consumers interests, and by establishing the Alliance with a clear mission to achieve these aims.
In fact, EASA is the coordination point for the views of national advertising regulation accross Europe