Contact Information

250 The Esplanade Courtyard Suite 107
Toronto Ontario M5A 1J2
Telefone: 416 462-0199

Basic Info

Competências Essenciais: Serviços de marketing, Branded Content/Entertainment, Relações públicas, Comunicação institucional, Marcas/desenvolvimento de produto, Planeamento estratégico

Fundada em: 2004


Empregados: 15

Pilot PMR

250 The Esplanade Courtyard Suite 107
Toronto Ontario M5A 1J2
Telefone: 416 462-0199

About Pilot PMR

Uncovering relevance and meaning to earn your audience’s attention and a return on investment

Crafting real stories and engagement through audience insights to reach stakeholders where they will be most receptive to your voice

Using adaptive storytelling techniques to efficiently address multiple formats, platforms and channels 

Filosofia e Vantagens Competitivas

Our sole purpose is to tell your story in a compelling way, earning you attention on every platform. Unlike traditional advertising, our work is designed to be responsive and adaptable across mediums, channels and formats, and we offer in-house expertise in editorial, creative and digital storytelling.

Think of our work as the difference between stock photography and portraiture. It’s about better strategy through story design. 

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