Contact Information

Spectrecom Studios 373 Kennington Road
London London SE11 4PT
Reino Unido
Telefone: 020 3 405 2260

Basic Info

Fundada em: 2005

Prêmios: 117

Trabalho Criativo: 33

Fundada em: 2005

Prêmios: 117

Trabalho Criativo: 33

Spectrecom Films

Spectrecom Studios 373 Kennington Road
London London SE11 4PT
Reino Unido
Telefone: 020 3 405 2260

Grand Gold Award for our Glasgow videos

CASE is one of the true big beasts of the educational jungle. This means that when it comes time to dole out the CASE awards, universities both here and overseas hold their breath and hope.

For the University of Glasgow, that hope has just solidified into success its ‘World Changers Welcome’ campaign (to which Spectrecom contributed two videos) has claimed CASE’s Grand Gold Circle of Excellence Award.

The pair of videos we delivered were both directed by Spectrecom stalwart Dan Miles, and they show off two different aspects of the Glasgow experience.

The first video, ‘World Changers Welcome’, highlights the all-round offering of the university, showing the balance between learning and lifestyle so beloved by Glasgow students.

The second, ‘Who Will You Become?’, puts the focus firmly on the students themselves. Both videos avoid interview sound-bites, in favour of letting their stories unfold via warm visuals, strong soundtracks and a modest smattering of onscreen text.

At the outset of this project, the Glasgow team told us that their dream was to create a CASE award-winner.

Given CASE’s size and prevalence in the education sector, such an ambition was perhaps not surprising; founded in 1974, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education is a truly global association, with over 3,000 universities and schools involved.

But having a dream and turning that dream into reality are two distinct things. Meaning that Spectrecom is delighted to have played a part in helping Glasgow lay claim to CASE’s Grand Gold Award.

Just as gladdening as the award itself were the comments from CASE: ‘World Changers Welcome’ was praised as the ‘overwhelming favourite of all our judges’, as well as being lauded for its ‘outstanding execution’.

Oh, and also: ‘a comment from one of our judges said it best after watching the video “Wow, I want to go there.” ‘

Fantastic feedback, and a powerful testament to the efforts of everyone involved – well done all.