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274 Marconi Boulevard, Suite 400
Columbus Ohio 43215
Estados Unidos

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Empregados: 30

Empregados: 30

274 Marconi Boulevard, Suite 400
Columbus Ohio 43215
Estados Unidos

Scary Good Ad Designs

More than 90% of the American population celebrates Halloween, and many of those people enjoy the spooks and themes for the entire month of October — sometimes even earlier.

If you’re looking to draw in the creep crowd of potential customers, a Halloween-themed outdoor advertisement may be just what you need. BillboardsIn has selected 5 spine-chilling and effective out-of-home advertisements that will take you from OOH to B-OOH!

1. Goodwill

By giving their recognizable face/G logo a few simple costumes, Goodwill’s spooky billboard draws attention, keeps the Halloween crowd interested and remains clear in branding!

2. Geico

Utilizing their signature Geico green and their mascot the Geico gecko, this advertisement remains spookily on theme while also showing a few of the key types of property they insure (car, home, boat, motorcycle) more subtly in the crystal ball.

3. 99¢ Only Stores

From the Halloween themed colors to the 1950’s horror film style design, this outdoor ad has a frighteningly effective design. The clarity of the logo within the hand is also an attention grabbing element, with the different and brighter coloring.

4. McDonald’s

McDonald’s Halloween advertisement is scarily simple. With their iconic red background and golden arches, there is no confusing what business this is an ad for. However, the cut-out-eyes that form the little ghosts in the arches and the text “Happy Halloween” allow for a bit of spooky fun.

5. Fanta

This eerily impactful Fanta advertisement combines cutsie Halloween elements with a clear presentation of the product — clear messaging and new, themed designs for an old favorite soda!

Advertising during spooky season does not have to be a terrifying task, and BillboardsIn can help make reaching potential customers, both Halloween-loving and not, easier to reach by making your OOH advertising journey simple.