BriefSheer climate statistics have become a background noise lacking an emotional charge. The question then becomes how can climate data be presented in a more impactful way?With visualisations that let nature speak for itself: A melting iceberg depicts the loss of the Arctic ice area. A menacing wildfire shows the trend of globally rising temperatures. And a shrinking rainforest presents the statistics of annual tropical tree cover loss. In this way, the unsettling numbers of the climate crisis can feel unsettling once more.A national awareness campaign for the WWF turned the 2021 German federal elections into climate change elections. Using complex 3D imagery that accurately represents data from NASA and the World Research Institute we created dramatic visualisations that translated brainy statistics into a language our hearts can understand. The results? Up to all of us. Let’s act now!
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PostedNovembro 2022
Sector EmpresarialSomente assinantes
HistóriaSomente assinantes
Tipo de Mídia Imprensa e publicações
Client ..F G....ny Somente assinantes
Creative Agency Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Post Production / CGI Ma......ion M...en D...gn Somente assinantes
Media Agency CR.....DIA Somente assinantes
Film Production Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Sound Production Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Director Campaigning A...th Ga....ch . ..F G....ny Somente assinantes
Senior Campaigner S...ja R..h . ..F G....ny Somente assinantes
Managing Director Creation F...an F...e . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Executive Creative Director A....as B....ch . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Lead Creation M...in T....rt . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Account Manager Fr.....ka R..t . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Art Director Se.....an H..s . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Copywriter ..x W..t . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Graphic Designer L..s P...o . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Art Producing V....sa R...ch . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Art Producing S...la Her.......mer . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Art Producing A...e F..a . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Photo Production S...ha B...i . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Photo Production S....an G....ch . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Photo Post Production M...in Pi.....ta . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Final Artwork R..f S...ig . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Film Producer K....in K...h . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Sound Engineer K...s N...en . Ac.....re S..g G....ny Somente assinantes
Executive Creative Director S....en B�......�nger . Ma......ion M...en D...gn Somente assinantes
3D Lead M...e La....er . Ma......ion M...en D...gn Somente assinantes
Compositing Lead D...el Be....nn . Ma......ion M...en D...gn Somente assinantes
Visual Concept / Editing J...an J...bi . Ma......ion M...en D...gn Somente assinantes
Head of Production T...as L....nz . Ma......ion M...en D...gn Somente assinantes
Producer G...ia S...a . Ma......ion M...en D...gn Somente assinantes
Media Consultant C....in R...e . CR.....DIA Somente assinantes
Speaker J....ca Mc....re . Fr.....ce Somente assinantes
Artist S....no Ma......rdi . Fr.....ce Somente assinantes

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