TituloOLX (birthday)
BriefOLX, the Ukrainian equivalent of eBay, was offering free shipping for a year. So everyone got hooked, as this spot suggests. Asked to blow out the candles on his birthday cake, a grandfather astonishes his family by picking up a snow blower, with predictably messy results. So why did he buy it? Why not: if it costs next to nothing and shipping is free?
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PostedNovembro 2018
Produto Somente assinantes
Sector EmpresarialSomente assinantes
HistóriaSomente assinantes
Tipo de Mídia Televisão
Director criativo P...l Vr....ch Somente assinantes
Director criativo Ya....av S....uk Somente assinantes
Director criativo Al.....ra Dor......ova Somente assinantes
Director criativo T...s Dze......kyy Somente assinantes
Redator R...n Gu....ov Somente assinantes
Director de arte I..a An.....nko Somente assinantes
Director de arte G...a Ie......ova Somente assinantes
Fotógrafo V....iy Y....ov Somente assinantes

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