TituloIntelligent Parking Chair
BriefImagine being able to arrange every chair in your office with a single clap of your hands. After a big meeting? CLAP – every chair in the conference room tucks neatly back into place. The last person leaving the office? CLAP – chairs tidy up in mere seconds. Is this the newest robot coming to an office near you? No, just a clever stunt designed by Nissan to promote its new intelligent parking assist technology.
Anunciante Nissan Motor Corp.

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PostedNovembro 2016
Sector EmpresarialSomente assinantes
HistóriaSomente assinantes
Tipo de Mídia Viral
Chief Creative Officer K...o S..o Somente assinantes
Director criativo Ta....ro H...da Somente assinantes
Redator T....ya U...a Somente assinantes
Director de arte T...ya M...da Somente assinantes
Produtor da agência Hi....ka F....su Somente assinantes
Produtor da agência K...u O...i Somente assinantes
Director de contas Y....ki O....su Somente assinantes
Director de contas A....ro O....to Somente assinantes
Executivo de contas K....ro ..o Somente assinantes
Executivo de contas M..i N...su Somente assinantes
Produtora ..O ..C Somente assinantes
Realizador M...to G..o Somente assinantes
Producer H....ki Ha....ni Somente assinantes
Producer K....hi S....da Somente assinantes
Cinematografia S...ei O...a Somente assinantes
Production Manager A...o O...a Somente assinantes
Production Manager D....ke Mu....ma Somente assinantes
Digital Production B....AN I... Somente assinantes
Director multimédia T...ro ..o Somente assinantes
Production Manager A...e I...a Somente assinantes

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