TituloSeductive Motion
Campanha Seductive Motion
Anunciante Samsung
Marca Samsung

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PostedMai 2012
Produto Somente assinantes
Sector EmpresarialSomente assinantes
LegendaSomente assinantes
Tipo de Mídia Televisão
MercadoSomente assinantes
Director executivo criativo N....A D...on Somente assinantes
Redator C...e Pi.....ng Somente assinantes
Director de arte N....A D...on Somente assinantes
Produtor da agência K...n E..n Somente assinantes
Director de contas R....ly M...in Somente assinantes
Realizador M..t K...by Somente assinantes
Editor ..n H...ex Somente assinantes

About BETC London

BETC believes in the power of creativity to connect through culture and drive business results. Our work has always stood out for its contemporary style, creative craft and cultural impact.
We are a global agency with a unique vision for brands, a vision that goes beyond advertising into culture through music and fashion, food, film, design… 

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Terry’s Chocolate goes Mint in new campaign from BETC London

BETC London is supporting the launch of new Terry’s Chocolate Mint with an integrated campaign across TV, OOH, and Radio from 16th October.

Yes, you read that right. Terry’s Chocolate Orange, the iconic British brand, is launching its first major flavour innovation in years.

You may have tasted the White Chocolate Orange, enjoyed the mixed orangey textures of Segsations, and even the ever-so-posh Truffles.

But never before in history has the world seen a round Terry’s Chocolate Mint.

The campaign focuses the ‘Board of the Unsquare’: a collection of British characters as fun and quirky as a Chocolate Orange itself, debating potential new product innovations to tantalise the nation’s tastebuds.

The 20s Claymation launch film was shot by director Victor Haegelin and production company WIZZ.

Lorene Decam, Senior Marketing Manager at Terry’s Chocolate said, “We couldn’t be prouder to introduce our new Terry’s Chocolate Mint to the nation. The iconic shape everyone knows and loves, but a delicious minty flavour for more people to enjoy.”

Nadia Doherty, Creative Director at BETC London, said, “We wanted to create something as fun as Terry’s. Announcing the arrival of Mint was important, but we wanted to celebrate Orange too.” 

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