Campanha Mimes - Bose
Anunciante Bose Corporation
Marca Bose

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PostedJulho 2009
Produto Somente assinantes
Sector EmpresarialSomente assinantes
Tipo de Mídia Imprensa e publicações
Director executivo criativo V...or .g Somente assinantes
Director de arte S...nn ..i Somente assinantes
Redator S....en Ky....ou Somente assinantes
Redator V...or .g Somente assinantes
Fotógrafo ..e Sh....ng G....ry . Si.....re Somente assinantes
Ilustração W....ng W..l ..e I....ng S....on Somente assinantes

About BLKJ Havas

BLKJ Havas is a creative company that engineers marketing moments for brands in culture, entertainment and media. Powered by the global network of Vivendi including the Universal Music Group, Gameloft and Havas Media, we pride ourselves as the unadvertising agency. Because people hate advertising and we love people. 

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