Contact Information

Biryuzova str, 10a, 4th floor
Minsk 220073
Telefone: +375 17 204 42 27 / +375 17 204 41 17 / +375 44 517 41 61

Basic Info

White Square

Biryuzova str, 10a, 4th floor
Minsk 220073
Telefone: +375 17 204 42 27 / +375 17 204 41 17 / +375 44 517 41 61


On April 27-29 IX WHITE SQUARE International Advertising Festival, one of the leading creative events of Eastern Europe, will take place.

WHITE SQUARE is a major business forum of worldwide industry of marketing and communications, which annually gathers over 700 accredited delegates from over 25 countries of Europe and the CIS – world-class creatives, CEO’s and company owners, who strive for making their business successful due to creative and innovative business solutions, which are a success on the markets of different countries.

CREATIVITY WINS! is the tagline of the festival this year. IX WHITE SQUARE is aiming to show how and why.

The program of 9th festival has become one of the brightest and full of topnotch activities, held by famous speakers, including WHITE SQUARE Jury members, holders of over 130 Cannes Lions Awards in total. There are over 75 master classes, workshops, show-lectures, discussion panel, blitz conferences and even a one-man performance at the festival.

The full program of WHITE SQUARE could be observed on the official website

The culmination of the festival is Gala Award Ceremony, always held in best European traditions with a show program and demonstration of the best festival entries from the participants from different countries.

Noteworthy part of WHITE SQUARE program is its parties, full of professional passion and excitement, allowing to relax and enjoy the creative atmosphere of the festival informally. Opening party will be held in the country-club Riviera on the coast of the Minsk Sea, and a bright Gala-Closing of IX WHITE SQUARE will take place in Black House Club.

Within WHITE SQUARE Festival there will be held two contests for young advertisers – Young Creators Contest and Social Advertising for Creative Youth Contest.

The ACCREDITAIONprovides an opportunity to attend all the events of WHITE SQUARE Festival throughout three days – 27, 28, 29 of April, including two parties. Participation fee per one representative of a company is 295 USD + VAT.

Foreign participants and guests of the festival will enjoy exciting sightseeing tours in Minsk. Thus, there are a lot of reasons to visit IX WHITE SQUARE on April 27-29. Join us!

On the official website you could get the detailed information about WHITE SQUARE Festival and fill in the application form.