Contact Information

312 Adelaide St. West 6th Floor
Toronto Ontario M5V 1R2
Telefone: 1 416 673 5275

Basic Info

Competências Essenciais: Publicidade/serviço completo/integração, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing, E-Commerce, Optimização de motores de busca, Web Design, Serviços de marketing, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Investigação de mercado / assessoria, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Compra e planeamento de media, Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Planeamento estratégico

Fundada em: 1996


Empregados: 1500

Prêmios: 27

Trabalho Criativo: 45

Clientes: 16

Competências Essenciais: Publicidade/serviço completo/integração, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing, E-Commerce, Optimização de motores de busca, Web Design, Serviços de marketing, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Investigação de mercado / assessoria, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Compra e planeamento de media, Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Planeamento estratégico

Fundada em: 1996


Empregados: 1500

Prêmios: 27

Trabalho Criativo: 45

Clientes: 16

Critical Mass

312 Adelaide St. West 6th Floor
Toronto Ontario M5V 1R2
Telefone: 1 416 673 5275

Insights from Critical Mass

July 29, 2019

The immersive experience is powered by Instagram’s quiz sticker  Luxury auto brand Infiniti teamed up with global digital experience design agency Critical Mass on an immersive Instagram experience that enables users to feel like they are piloting a Q60 coupe around a racetrack. Critical Ma… ler mais

July 23, 2019

Amp insiders share insights on their favorite activations and predict where experiential is heading next  “It’s not news to anyone: Traditional advertising is on the decline,” says Jenna Marone, executive vice president of lifestyle at United Entertainment Group. “Experiential humanizes a br… ler mais

July 21, 2019

 CANNES, France—Every movement has an origin story. Omniwomen's is this: In 2014, Omnicom Group evp Janet Riccio had an idea. "Omniwomen started in Janet's living room. It was about 10 of us," Ketchum CEO Barri Rafferty recounted to a roomful of women wearing flowing outfits and knowing smil… ler mais

July 19, 2019

China and its big-spending 1.3 billion citizens continue to represent a lucrative and enticing market for brands and marketers. However, finding success in China can be challenging. Companies not only have to navigate a unique media landscape without Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Ins… ler mais

May 21, 2019

The dark web is more than a shadowy, digital netherworld. At its core is a trove of ideas that can be beneficial for marketers and consumers  Hundreds of millions of hacked records land on the dark web each year. This, along with drug marketplaces, hired killers, and petabytes of illicit con… ler mais