TituloLeft-Handed Mango Chutney
Campanha Left-Handed Mango Chutney
Anunciante Zulu Alpha Kilo
Marca Zulu Alpha Kilo
Data da primeira Transmissão/Publicação 2022 / 11
Sector Empresarial Agências de publicidade
História Advertising people are obsessed with winning awards for their work. Yet, if you asked your neighbour to name their favourite ad, they’re more likely to name a funny beer commercial than the latest Gold Lion winner. So, where is the consumer in all of this? Zulu tackles this question in “Left-Handed Mango Chutney”.Set at a dinner party, the video depicts a copywriter named Greg bragging about his latest project: Left-Handed Mango Chutney. Faced with blank stares, Greg has to explain it was a proactive idea for an unknown company, and only six jars were sold. By satirizing this type of questionable work, it’s a reminder that advertising’s goal is to resonate with consumers first, and awards judges second.“Left-Handed Mango Chutney” debuted at the 2022 Agency of the Year awards ceremony, hosted by strategy magazine, Canada’s largest trade publication for the industry.
Tipo de Mídia Viral
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