Contact Information

110 North Fifth Street
Minneapolis Minnesota 55403
Estados Unidos
Telefone: 612-334-6000

Julie Batliner

Julie Batliner

President & Chief Growth Officer

Telefone: 612-375-8510

Basic Info

Competências Essenciais: Publicidade/serviço completo/integração, Digital, Social Media Marketing, Serviços de marketing, Marketing direto/Telemarketing/ Database marketing/CRM, Branded Content/Entertainment, Investigação de mercado / assessoria, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Relações públicas, Compra e planeamento de media, Comunicação institucional, Eventos/patrocínio, Marcas/desenvolvimento de produto, Embalagem/design, Planeamento estratégico, Retalho, Faixas Etárias

Fundada em: 1962

Empregados: 330

Prêmios: 63

Trabalho Criativo: 33

Clientes: 25

Competências Essenciais: Publicidade/serviço completo/integração, Digital, Social Media Marketing, Serviços de marketing, Marketing direto/Telemarketing/ Database marketing/CRM, Branded Content/Entertainment, Investigação de mercado / assessoria, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Relações públicas, Compra e planeamento de media, Comunicação institucional, Eventos/patrocínio, Marcas/desenvolvimento de produto, Embalagem/design, Planeamento estratégico, Retalho, Faixas Etárias

Fundada em: 1962

Empregados: 330

Prêmios: 63

Trabalho Criativo: 33

Clientes: 25

Carmichael Lynch

110 North Fifth Street
Minneapolis Minnesota 55403
Estados Unidos
Telefone: 612-334-6000
Julie Batliner

Julie Batliner

President & Chief Growth Officer

Telefone: 612-375-8510

Carmichael Lynch Featured in CommArts Typography and Design Annuals

Carmichael Lynch’s campaign for the Minnesota Twins 2019 season was honored with multiple Awards of Excellence by Communications Arts and featured in both 60th anniversary editions of the Typography and Design annuals. The juried competition celebrates the best use of typography and design as the primary visual element in advertising.

Communication Arts is the leading trade journal for visual communications, and the largest creative magazine in the world. CA’s Award of Excellence is one of the most-coveted awards in the industry. Winners are selected by a nationally representative panel of distinguished visual communicators.

In 2019, everything changed about the Minnesota Twins. Carmichael Lynch needed to not only reflect the new spirit of the team, but also help establish it. Not with nostalgia or jokes or the usual baseball tropes, but with newfound swagger, speed, strength, explosions, nachos, colors, large speakers and fun.

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