Contact Information

110 North Fifth Street
Minneapolis Minnesota 55403
Estados Unidos
Telefone: 612-334-6000

Julie Batliner

Julie Batliner

President & Chief Growth Officer

Telefone: 612-375-8510

Basic Info

Competências Essenciais: Publicidade/serviço completo/integração, Digital, Social Media Marketing, Serviços de marketing, Marketing direto/Telemarketing/ Database marketing/CRM, Branded Content/Entertainment, Investigação de mercado / assessoria, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Relações públicas, Compra e planeamento de media, Comunicação institucional, Eventos/patrocínio, Marcas/desenvolvimento de produto, Embalagem/design, Planeamento estratégico, Retalho, Faixas Etárias

Fundada em: 1962

Empregados: 330

Prêmios: 63

Trabalho Criativo: 33

Clientes: 25

Competências Essenciais: Publicidade/serviço completo/integração, Digital, Social Media Marketing, Serviços de marketing, Marketing direto/Telemarketing/ Database marketing/CRM, Branded Content/Entertainment, Investigação de mercado / assessoria, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Relações públicas, Compra e planeamento de media, Comunicação institucional, Eventos/patrocínio, Marcas/desenvolvimento de produto, Embalagem/design, Planeamento estratégico, Retalho, Faixas Etárias

Fundada em: 1962

Empregados: 330

Prêmios: 63

Trabalho Criativo: 33

Clientes: 25

Carmichael Lynch

110 North Fifth Street
Minneapolis Minnesota 55403
Estados Unidos
Telefone: 612-334-6000
Julie Batliner

Julie Batliner

President & Chief Growth Officer

Telefone: 612-375-8510

It's On: Carmichael Lynch for Xcel Energy

Carmichael Lynch
Publicidade/serviço completo/integração
Minneapolis, Estados Unidos
See Profile


Josh Leutz
Exec Creative Director Carmichael Lynch


Tell us about your role in the creation of this work.

I am Executive Creative Director on the brand.

Give us an overview of the campaign, what is it about?

It’s really about changing perception of who Xcel is – and of what an energy company can be. Xcel isn’t just about keeping the lights on. They’re a place of innovation trying to make cleaner energy more accessible for all.

Tell us about the details creative brief, what did it ask?

Xcel is a relatively new account to Carmichael Lynch and this is one of those rare occasions when the pitch work actually got made.

Which insight led to the creation of this piece of work?

Just really learning about them as a company and listening to them talk about all the great things they’re doing – most impressive, their commitment to being carbon-free by 2050.

Can you share with us any alternative ideas (if any) for this campaign? Why was this idea chosen?  

As in any pitch, you try to show a range of thinking. We shared three directions. And, of the three, this was definitely the most ambitious. Xcel are doing great things. But they weren’t really talking about any of them. This was a campaign to let the world know what they’re up to.

What was the greatest challenge that you and your team faced during development?

The biggest challenges were on the production side. Mainly logistical – lining up Xcel employees and resources for an authentic shoot.

What did you enjoy most about seeing this campaign through? Did you learn anything new from the experience?

Again, just learning about all the good things they’re doing as a company – from shifting to more solar and wind power to their clean energy initiatives.

Where do you see this campaign going in the future?

We’re already onto the next big brief, which I’m wildly excited about. It’s all about their carbon-free initiative.