Top Interviews From The Advertising Industry

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The advertising industry's most influential creatives, agency executives, and clients discuss business, inspiration, and their personal journeys in advertising.

Featured Interviews

Headline Makers

Winning awards can boost careers, but it isn’t usually the function of the Epica Awards to be a job dating agency. That can sometimes happen,...  ler mais


When brands want to cozy up to consumers – particularly younger ones – they’re increasingly likely to use social media. So it makes sense that...  ler mais

Headline Makers

Carole has helped oversee the consolidation of Serviceplan Group’s House of Communication in France. The HoC comprises Serviceplan (creative),...  ler mais

Headline Makers

Perhaps even more than advertising itself, immigration has been a major theme and driving force of Mercedes Erra’s life. Born in Catalonia, not far...  ler mais

Point of View

Stay curious, think critically, and put your ego aside.  ler mais


An agency called Romance has become one of the most respected in France. ECD Alexandre Hervé explains how the agency uses emotion to unite consumers.  ler mais


"We wondered: what if even Santa had to rely on Manor’s expertise in Holiday gifts?"  ler mais