Mark Hurst
Director de arte at MWO
London, Reino Unido
Campanha Magnum 7 Sins - Unilever
Anunciante Unilever
Marca Magnum
Data da primeira Transmissão/Publicação 2003 / 1
Produto 7 Sins
Sector Empresarial Gelados
Legenda Deadly Sins
História SUMMARY Magnum has always been more than an ice cream for its female fans, but in 2003, with a new updated brand personality and a compelling limited edition range of Magnums, women everywhere gave in to Magnum. As a result, Magnum 7 Sins managed to return the brand to growth - increasing sales across Europe by more than 20%, bringing in younger female consumers and overall, making the brand an object of female desire.
Filosofia CREATIVE STRATEGY The objective of the campaign was to make Magnum sexy. The creative strategy therefore focused on modernising the Magnum personality. When he appears in the campaign, Magnum is a modern Alpha male. The second aspect of the creative strategy was to take a very successful tactical promotion and use it in a brand-enhancing way to achieve European objectives. Therefore, the campaign was centred on a limited edition of 7 Magnums branded under the umbrella of Magnum 7 Sins. The final aspect of the creative strategy was driven by logistics: budgets and timings did not allow for multiple productions. Therefore, material for TV was produced centrally, with in-built editing flexibility to tone up or down the sexual content dependent on local culture. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES - Press and poster teaser campaign - Outdoor - Internet - Innovative creation of media opportunities (e.g. petrol pumps to exploit forecourt distribution) - Events, sponsorship and partnerships - PR and advertorial - Point of sale - Sampling and promotions MEDIA - Broadcast - Print - Public Relations - Interactive/On-line - Out-of-Home TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Between €10 and €20 million. MEDIA STRATEGY All markets were encouraged to use as broad a mix of media as possible to build a sense of scale and campaign ubiquity. TV was at the centre of the campaign creatively but the total success relied on an entirely synergistic, rounded 360 degree media campaign. The campaign was kicked off with TV commercials prioritising maximum coverage of the 25-40 year old female target in high profile programming that had themes complimentary to sinning. In anticipation of the TV launch, posters were produced along with small, flexible teaser ads to be slotted into TV listings pages or within relevant sin-based editorial. Internet was a key vehicle to engage consumers still further, with all markets developing surveys, games and competitions. Markets were then encouraged to be as creative and ubiquitous as possible. In store was a prime focus with much effort put on Magnum-ising the retail outlet.
Problema CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - To achieve a sales uplift of at least 10% in Europe. - To increase brand appeal, brand engagement and likelihood to buy amongst women between 25-40. - To harmonise activity across Europe, maximising economies of scale across a 360 degree communication programme. TARGET AUDIENCE In a drive to make the Magnum core audience more youthful, the target for the campaign was European women in their late 20s and 30s. Critically for campaign development, for the Magnum girl, sex is mostly in the brain. In her mind, she has permission to behave as she may never do in reality, to sin to her heart’s content. It is this world that Magnum taps into. CAMPAIGN PERIOD March 2003 to September 2003.
Resultado - Sales had been flat since 1998 but spectacularly, in 2003, Magnum sales across Europe increased more than 20%. Importantly though, the limited edition did not cannibalise the core Magnum range. (Source: Unilever data 2003) - The campaign was tested pre-launch both qualitatively and quantitatively in the UK and Italy as both provide a gauge of 2 different extremes within Europe of both the brand and the consumer in relation to sin and attitudes to sex. The 40 second brand spot ranked amongst Unilever’s top ads: Italy : El 111 / Attention 116 / Communication 115 / Branding 115 UK : El 105 / Attention 107 / Communication 107 / Branding 97 (Source: Millward Brown Preview/ UK and Italy/ data on Brand spot/ normalised index against country average/ March 2003) - Results also demonstrated that the campaign forced a much-needed mind shift and brand re-appraisal. In France, spontaneous awareness of Magnum was significantly higher in 2003 compared with 2002, with a 26% increase in respondents who thought that the campaign was relevant to them. (Source: Millward Brown/ France/ ATP results August 2003)
Tipo de Mídia Televisão
Mercado Áustria, Bélgica, França, Alemanha, Irlanda, Países Baixos, Reino Unido, Itália, Portugal, Turquia
International Planning Director
Director de publicidade
Director criativo
Director de arte

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