Leading fans to a concert by their ears

An interrupted broadcast sparked the hunt for a secret location.

por Maud Largeaud , AdForum

Aristotle wrote that human beings are essentially “social animals”, but it can seem as if they’ve evolved in the wrong direction. For instance, did you know that 73% of people use headphones to avoid social interactions? In South Africa, soft drinks brand Schweppes wanted to reverse this trend. So it decided to underline the importance of live and IRL experiences. The brand interrupted music by the artist Daliwonga, who then invited fans to come to a secret Cape Town concert in person. But there was a catch: using their headphones, they had to follow a unique “spatial audio guide”. The music is in your left ear? Turn left. And so on. As they got closer to the venue, the music became louder. The result? The participants got together in real life. And finally removed those headphones.