Top Interviews From The Advertising Industry

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The advertising industry's most influential creatives, agency executives, and clients discuss business, inspiration, and their personal journeys in advertising.

Featured Interviews

Headline Makers

The Chief Creative Officer of Ogilvy Latina reveals the approach that drove growth and awards recognition  ler mais

Headline Makers

The creative talents helping to steer FCB's transformation reveal the strategy behind the network’s record-breaking year.  ler mais

Point of View

The event is opening to new audiences, giving the content proposal a greater value and depth at the hands of organizations as Warc and Medialink.  ler mais


The campaign went so well, that right now in Brazil there is a 2.0 version of this campaign going on for the Americas Cup.  ler mais


No brand - no individual - no agency, can support everything. Make a choice, show commitment and do it well.  ler mais


The industry needs more bold, progressive CMOs taking center stage proving that creativity can be used to drive their business as much as...  ler mais


What we would really like to see, however, is the project continue to impact the way young female athletes are perceived in Italy.  ler mais